Bjoern Meyer

Bjoern Meyer
As CEO, Bjoern is the visionary behind our strategic direction and business development, bridging the gap between our customers and engineering teams. His deep passion for coding and web technologies drives the creation of innovative products. If you're at a tech conference, be sure to stop by our booth - you'll most likely meet Bjoern in person. With an advanced graduate degree (Dipl. Inf.) in Computer Science, specializing in AI, from the University of Bremen, Bjoern brings significant expertise to his role. In his spare time, Bjoern enjoys running, paragliding, mountain biking, and playing the piano.
December 2020
What a Year: A Catalyst for Transformation
DS Server: Merging Documents using the DocumentProcessing Web API in…
DS Server: Using DocumentViewer in Angular Applications
DS Server: Using DocumentEditor in Angular Applications
Announcing DS Server Public Beta: Your On-Premise Document Services Cloud
Creating Table of Contents without Stylesheets
Client-Side Packages for X19 Available
TX Text Control X19 and TX Spell 8.0 Have Been Released
November 2020
X19 Sneak Peek: Manipulating MergeBlockInfo Objects
Using TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET with .NET 5
X19 Sneak Peek: Changes for Keyboard Layout and Spell Checking
X19 Sneak Peek: Validating ZUGFeRD / Factur-X Invoices with TX Text Control
X19 Sneak Peek: Storing Document Revisions in PDF/A-3b
October 2020
Pandemic Resilience: Digitizing Document Processes Enable Business…
X19 Sneak Peek: Processing AcroForm Fields in Adobe PDF Documents
DocumentViewer for React Prerelease
Embedding HL7 Healthcare XML Data in Signed PDF/A-3B Documents
Format Numeric String Values with MailMerge
Service Pack 4 for TX Text Control X18 Released
X19 Sneak Peek: Integrated Barcode Support
X19 Sneak Peek: Embedded Files in Adobe PDF Documents
X19 Sneak Peek: Table of Contents
Preview: Using DocumentEditor for DS Server in ASP.NET Core
New Product Announcement: TX Text Control DS Server
Angular: Deploying the Backend TCP Service Separately
Implementing Conditional Table Cell Colors with MailMerge
September 2020
DocumentViewer Collaboration Features: Annotations
Back from BASTA! 2020 - Some Impressions
Using the Angular DocumentViewer in Lazy Loading Material Tabs
TX Text Control for Angular: An Overview
In-Person Conferences are Back: See Text Control at BASTA!
Angular: Loading Excerpt JSON Data on Initializing TX Text Control
August 2020
Updated DocumentViewer Features: Zooming and Panning
New DocumentViewer Signature Tutorial Sample
DocumentViewer Feature: Uploading Signature Images
Signing Documents with the Angular DocumentViewer
Angular: Loading Documents on Initializing TX Text Control
July 2020
Evaluating Angular with Backend Trial Access Tokens
Service Pack 3 for TX Text Control X18 Released
Powering Digital Transformation Processes
Inserting Shapes and Drawing Groups
PDF/A-3: The Better Container for Electronic Documents
Text Control Announces PDF/A-3 Support: The Future of Electronic Invoices
Building an ASP.NET Core (.NET 6) Backend for Angular Applications
Angular DocumentViewer Final Released
Angular: Typical Workflow with an ASP.NET Backend
New Angular Product Page
Custom Insert Image Dialog in TX Text Control .NET for WPF
June 2020
Digitally Sign PDF/A Documents with Self-Signed Certificates
Using the Clipboard in TXTextControl.Web
Loading Markdown Content into TX Text Control
Deploying ASP.NET Core Web Applications to Docker
Live Samples Hosted on StackBlitz
Using TXTextControl.Web in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
Using the DocumentViewer in Pure HTML and JavaScript
Angular DocumentViewer: Loading Documents from an ASP.NET Core Backend…
DocumentViewer for Angular Beta Released
Creating an Angular DocumentViewer Application
May 2020
Adding a WebSocket Security Middleware to ASP.NET Core Web Applications
Securing the WebSocketHandler Endpoint in ASP.NET
Service Pack 2 for TX Text Control X18 Released
combit Announces TX Text Control Support in List & Label
Claim Your Free Barcode Licenses
Building a Spell Checking Web API in ASP.NET Core
Which MS Word Fields Are Supported and How to Handle Them?
Synchronizing Editable Regions with SignalR Broadcasting
Building an Angular Application with an ASP.NET Core Back-End
Service Pack 3 for TX Text Control X17 Released
April 2020
LC Task in .NET Core Projects
ASP.NET Core: Server-Side MailMerge
Creating an ASP.NET Core Web Application using TXTextControl.Web
TXTextControl.Web for ASP.NET Core Web Applications Released
Service Pack 1 for TX Text Control X18 Released
Creating Pre-Completed Forms Automatically
JavaScript Functions for Typical Form Field Tasks
Text Control Supports Virtual Conferences: Dev Days Online and NDC Oslo
DocumentViewer for .NET Core 3.1 Released
Document Collaboration: Implementing Comments with Document Targets
March 2020
Using Text Control in Angular Routes
New JavaScript API: Working with Callbacks and Promises
TXTextControl.Web: Creating a Custom ButtonBar using the InputFormat Class
TXTextControl.Web: New Reconnect Feature
New JavaScript API Calls for Typical MailMerge Tasks
TX Text Control for Angular X18 Published
MVC NuGet Packages for X18 Published
TX Text Control X18 has been Released
TX Text Control X18 Outlook
February 2020
Impressions from BASTA! 2020 in Frankfurt
Maintaining Custom Document Properties
Meet Text Control at BASTA! in Frankfurt
Impressions from Developer Week 2020
Modules of TX Text Control .NET Server Explained
Service Pack 2 for TX Text Control X17 Released
Impressions from NDC London 2020
January 2020
Deploying TX Text Control to Azure App Service
Limited Time Offer: Free TX Barcode .NET for all new TX Text Control…
See Text Control in San Francisco at DeveloperWeek
Windows Forms Ribbon: Displaying User-Friendly Merge Field Names
Meet Text Control at NDC London 2020
Text Control Docs: New Documentation Home
TX Text Control for Angular Released
Sneak Peek X18: Form Field Conditional Instructions
DocumentViewer: New Two Page View Mode
Creating an ASP.NET MVC DocumentViewer Application With Razor
Creating Your First Windows Forms Application
Creating Your First WPF Application
Creating a WPF Ribbon Application
Integrate Document Editing into any HTML Client using the HTML Widget
Creating an ASP.NET MVC Application With Razor
Creating A Windows Forms Ribbon Application
Creating Your First ASP.NET Reporting Application
Creating an ASP.NET Web Forms AJAX Application
Creating a WebSocket Server Project with Node.js
Creating an Angular Document Editor Application
TX Text Control Subscriptions
Sales FAQs
Technical Support FAQs