Generating a ZUGFeRD PDF with Existing XML Data using .NET C#

This article shows how to generate a ZUGFeRD invoice with existing XML data using .NET C#. A valid PDF/A-3b file is created with a ZUGFeRD XML attachment using TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET.

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Using MSTest for Unit Testing of .NET C# Class Libraries That Use TX Text Control

Using MSTest for Unit Testing of .NET C# Class Libraries That Use TX Text Control

This article shows how to use MSTest for unit testing of .NET C# class libraries that use TX Text Control. The article shows how to create a new test project, how to add references to the TX Text Control libraries, and how to write a simple test method that tests the functionality of a class library that uses TX Text Control.

Read and Write Custom XML Parts in MS Word Office Open XML DOCX Files using .NET C#

Read and Write Custom XML Parts in MS Word Office Open XML DOCX Files using .NET C#

This article shows how to read and write custom XML parts in MS Word Office Open XML DOCX files using .NET C#. The sample code shows how to create a new document with a custom XML part and how to read and write the custom XML part.

Observe When the Reporting Preview Tab is Active Using MutationObserver

Observe When the Reporting Preview Tab is Active Using MutationObserver

This article shows how to observe when the Reporting Preview tab is active using MutationObserver. The Reporting Preview tab is a feature of the TX Text Control Document Editor that allows you to preview the generated documents. Getting notified when the tab is active can be useful to trigger certain actions in your application.

Reliably Detect Property Changes in Objects Using Serialization

Reliably Detect Property Changes in Objects Using Serialization

This article shows how to reliably detect property changes in objects such as images or barcodes using serialization. It demonstrates how to serialize objects to JSON and how to compare the serialized data to detect property changes.

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Where to see Text Control in the Second Half of 2024?

In the second half of 2024, we will be exhibiting at conferences in the United States and Europe. We would love to meet you at our booth and talk about our latest products and technologies. Learn more about where you can see Text Control in the second half of 2024.

Adding Fold Marks and Punch Marks to Documents using Drawings in C#

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Extension Method: Flatten Forms Fields in PDF Documents using .NET C#

This article shows how to flatten form fields in TX Text Control before exporting the document to PDF. This is a common requirement when documents should be shared with others and the form fields should not be changed anymore.