Getting Started

Below you will find a list of resources that will help you get started with TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET.

Video Tutorial: Creating a MailMerge Template and JSON Data Structure

Video Tutorial: Creating a MailMerge Template and JSON Data Structure

This video tutorial shows how to create a MailMerge template and a JSON data structure to merge data into a document. This tutorial will walk you through the steps necessary to create a template and understand the data structure for merge fields and repeating blocks.

How to Add Electronic and Digital Signatures to PDF Documents in ASP.NET Core C#

How to Add Electronic and Digital Signatures to PDF Documents in ASP.NET Core C#

This tutorial shows how to use the Document Viewer to electronically sign a document and how to implement an endpoint to add a digital certificate to the signature fields before exporting the resulting document as an Adobe PDF. This tutorial is part of the TX Text Control Getting Started series originally published on our YouTube channel.

Getting Started Video Tutorial: How to use the MailMerge and ServerTextControl Classes in ASP.NET Core C#

Getting Started Video Tutorial: How to use the MailMerge and ServerTextControl Classes in ASP.NET Core C#

This video tutorial shows how to use the MailMerge and ServerTextControl classes in an ASP.NET Core application using C#. This tutorial is part of the TX Text Control Getting Started series originally published on our YouTube channel.

Getting Started Video Tutorial: How to use the Document Viewer in ASP.NET Core C#

Getting Started Video Tutorial: How to use the Document Viewer in ASP.NET Core C#

This video tutorial shows how to use the Document Viewer in an ASP.NET Core application using C#. This tutorial is part of the TX Text Control Getting Started series originally published on our YouTube channel.

Getting Started Video Tutorial: How to use the Document Editor in ASP.NET Core C#

Getting Started Video Tutorial: How to use the Document Editor in ASP.NET Core C#

This video tutorial shows how to use the Document Editor in an ASP.NET Core application using C#. This tutorial is part of the TX Text Control Getting Started series originally published on our YouTube channel.

Getting Started: Document Editor with ASP.NET Core

Getting Started: Document Editor with ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to use the TX Text Control ASP.NET document editor within a .NET 6 application in Visual Studio 2022.

Getting Started: ServerTextControl and MailMerge with ASP.NET Core

Getting Started: ServerTextControl and MailMerge with ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to use the TX Text Control ASP.NET ServerTextControl and MailMerge classes within a .NET 6 application in Visual Studio 2022.

Getting Started: Document Viewer with ASP.NET Core

Getting Started: Document Viewer with ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to use the TX Text Control ASP.NET document viewer within a .NET 6 application in Visual Studio 2022.

Handling Form Field Data in Angular Applications

Handling Form Field Data in Angular Applications

The Document Viewer in Angular can be used to fill form fields in documents. In this article, we will show how to handle the filled form field data in Angular applications.

Preparing Forms for the Document Viewer and Customizing the Signing Process in Angular and ASP.NET Core

Preparing Forms for the Document Viewer and Customizing the Signing Process in Angular and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to prepare forms for the Document Viewer and how to customize the signing process in Angular and ASP.NET Core. A server-side controller is used to apply the signature and the form data to the document.

Asynchronous Loading and Saving in Angular Document Editor with an ASP.NET Core Web API

Asynchronous Loading and Saving in Angular Document Editor with an ASP.NET Core Web API

This article shows how to load and save documents in an Angular Document Editor using an ASP.NET Core Web API asynchronously. A Web API is used to load and save documents from and to the server and the Angular Document Editor is used to display and edit the documents.

How to Add Electronic and Digital Signatures to PDFs in ASP.NET Core C# and Angular

How to Add Electronic and Digital Signatures to PDFs in ASP.NET Core C# and Angular

Learn how to add electronic and digital signatures to PDFs in ASP.NET Core C# and Angular. This tutorial shows how to create an Angular application with an ASP.NET Core backend that uses the Document Viewer to display and sign PDF documents.

MailMerge with Angular and ASP.NET Core

MailMerge with Angular and ASP.NET Core

This article shows how to use TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET in an Angular application to create a mail merge application. The backend is implemented using an ASP.NET Core Web API to merge templates with JSON data.

Create or Generate PDF Files in ASP.NET Core with C#

Create or Generate PDF Files in ASP.NET Core with C#

Text Control's digital document processing libraries can be used for the editing, creation, and viewing of Adobe PDF documents. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a new ASP.NET Core Web application that generates PDF documents and how to make those documents available by using the Document Viewer.

Digitally Sign Signature Fields

Digitally Sign Signature Fields

This getting started tutorial shows how to electronically sign documents using the Document Viewer and how to digitally sign the signed signature fields server-side.

Creating an ASP.NET Core Web App with the Document Editor in Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Creating an ASP.NET Core Web App with the Document Editor in Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

This article shows how to create an ASP.NET Core Web App with the Document Editor in Visual Studio Code (VS Code). The Document Editor is a powerful word processing component that can be used to create, edit, view, and print documents in various formats.

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

The MailMerge class provides very effective ways to merge data into MS Word compatible templates. This updated ultimate guide provides an overview of all the important features and functionalities of the mail merge process.

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

The MailMerge class provides a very effective way to merge data into MS Word compatible templates. This ultimate guide gives an overview of all important features and functionalities of the mail merge process.

Creating Adobe PDF Forms in C#

Creating Adobe PDF Forms in C#

Interactive forms in an Adobe PDF document can be used to gather information from end-users. This article shows how to create those forms using TX Text Control in .NET applications using C#.

Creating an Angular Application with an ASP.NET Core Backend

Creating an Angular Application with an ASP.NET Core Backend

This tutorial will show you how to use the Angular version of the TX Text Control within an ASP.NET Core Web application as the back end to be used.

Requesting Electronic Signatures

Requesting Electronic Signatures

Requesting signatures is a common application using the TX Text Control document viewer available for ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core and Angular. This article shows a typical workflow how to prepare documents for a signature acquisition.

Using the Document Editor in SPA Applications using the removeFromDom Method

Using the Document Editor in SPA Applications using the removeFromDom Method

This article shows how to use the removeFromDom method to remove the Document Editor from the DOM when it is no longer needed. This is useful when the Document Editor is used in a Single Page Application (SPA) and the component is not needed anymore.

Document Viewer: Setting the Rendering Mode

Document Viewer: Setting the Rendering Mode

This article shows how to set the rendering mode of the Document Viewer. The rendering mode determines how the document is rendered and displayed in the viewer using Bitmap or SVG rendering.

Designing a MailMerge Web API Endpoint with ASP.NET Core in C#

Designing a MailMerge Web API Endpoint with ASP.NET Core in C#

This article shows how to create a Web API endpoint that merges templates with JSON data using TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET Core. It shows how to design the endpoint to accept the template, the data, and settings for the merge process.

ASP.NET Core: Loading Documents in the Document Editor

ASP.NET Core: Loading Documents in the Document Editor

Learn how to load a document in the Document Editor using ASP.NET Core. This article explains how to load a document from a file or a byte array and how to load a document from client-side JavaScript code.

Using the Document Editor in an ASP.NET Core React Application

Using the Document Editor in an ASP.NET Core React Application

This article shows how to use the Document Editor in an ASP.NET Core React application. The Document Editor is a fully featured word processing component that can be used to create, edit, modify and print documents.

Handling Electronic Signatures in a Blazor Web App using .NET 8

Handling Electronic Signatures in a Blazor Web App using .NET 8

This article shows how to create a Blazor Web App that uses the TX Text Control Document Viewer to display documents and how to handle electronic signatures using the TX Text Control signature API.

Using the Document Viewer in a Blazor Server App with .NET 8

Using the Document Viewer in a Blazor Server App with .NET 8

This article shows how to use the Document Viewer in a Blazor Server application with .NET 8. The Document Viewer is a powerful, web-based document viewer that can be easily integrated into any Blazor application.

Using TX Text Control in a Blazor Server App with .NET 8

Using TX Text Control in a Blazor Server App with .NET 8

This tutorial shows how to use the Document Editor of TX Text Control .NET Server in a Blazor Server App with .NET 8. It uses the JSRuntime and DotNetObjectReference classes to communicate between the editor and the server-side ServerTextControl class in .NET code.

Using TX Text Control in an ASP.NET Core Blazor Server App

Using TX Text Control in an ASP.NET Core Blazor Server App

This tutorial shows how to use the Document Editor of TX Text Control .NET Server in a Blazor Server App. It uses the JSRuntime and DotNetObjectReference classes to communicate between the editor and the server-side ServerTextControl class in .NET code.

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