We just released TX Text Control X18 with many new features including form fields, a fully-featured JavaScript API and the WebSocket re-connect functionality for the online document editor. For this new version, we published the NuGet packages for the online editor and the document viewer.
Make sure to use the highest version number of the major release version. The most current version of TX Text Control is 28.0 (X18). Use the highest version of the MVC NuGet package with the major version '28' in this case:
If you are still using TX Text Control X17 (27.0), make sure to use the highest version with '27' as the major release number in the NuGet package (in this case '27.0.703.500').
In order to update the NuGet package in your ASP.NET Web Application, open the NuGet Package Manager and click on Updates. Search for TXTextControl and find the TXTextControl.Web package. Select the latest stable version and click on Update to update your MVC online document editor version.
The document viewer package has been updated to work with TX Text Control X18 as well. Simply follow the same steps as explained above for the document viewer to use it in applications built with TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET X18.