Angular JavaScript Packages

TX Text Control for Angular is a collection of JavaScript packages available at npm to enable document processing functionality in Angular applications. The visual JavaScript components TXTextControl TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET
JavaScript API
TXTextControl Object
The TXTextControl JavaScript object provides a public API to manipulate the web editor via JavaScript functions in the browser.
and TXDocumentViewer TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET
JavaScript API - Document Viewer Viewer
TXDocumentViewer Object
The TXDocumentViewer JavaScript object provides a public API to manipulate the document viewer via JavaScript functions in the browser.
are accessible within Angular applications using these packages.

TX Text Control for Angular

Getting Started Tutorials

The new product overview page lists details about the typical usage, getting started tutorials for both the editor and the document viewer and information about the licensing of these components.

Additionally, an FAQ is accessible that lists most common questions about the technology, the backend and licensing.

Learn more about TX Text Control for Angular and visit the new product page:

TX Text Control for Angular