Getting Started

Below you will find a list of resources that will help you get started with TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET.

Video Tutorial: Creating a MailMerge Template and JSON Data Structure

Video Tutorial: Creating a MailMerge Template and JSON Data Structure

This video tutorial shows how to create a MailMerge template and a JSON data structure to merge data into a document. This tutorial will walk you through the steps necessary to create a template and understand the data structure for merge fields and repeating blocks.

Getting Started: ServerTextControl and MailMerge with ASP.NET MVC (.NET Framework)

Getting Started: ServerTextControl and MailMerge with ASP.NET MVC (.NET Framework)

This article shows how to use the TX Text Control ASP.NET ServerTextControl and MailMerge classes within an ASP.NET web application in Visual Studio 2022.

Getting Started: Document Viewer with ASP.NET MVC (.NET Framework)

Getting Started: Document Viewer with ASP.NET MVC (.NET Framework)

This article shows how to use the TX Text Control ASP.NET document viewer within a .NET Framework web application in Visual Studio 2022.

Getting Started: Document Editor with ASP.NET MVC (.NET Framework)

Getting Started: Document Editor with ASP.NET MVC (.NET Framework)

This article shows how to use the TX Text Control ASP.NET document editor within a .NET Framework web application in Visual Studio 2022.

Building an ASP.NET Core Backend Application to Host the Document Editor and Document Viewer

Building an ASP.NET Core Backend Application to Host the Document Editor and Document Viewer

This article explains how to create an ASP.NET Core backend application to host the Document Editor and Document Viewer. This backend application is required to provide the required functionality to the frontend applications built with Angular, React, or JavaScript.

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

The MailMerge class provides very effective ways to merge data into MS Word compatible templates. This updated ultimate guide provides an overview of all the important features and functionalities of the mail merge process.

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

Mail Merge with MS Word Documents in C#

The MailMerge class provides a very effective way to merge data into MS Word compatible templates. This ultimate guide gives an overview of all important features and functionalities of the mail merge process.

Creating Adobe PDF Forms in C#

Creating Adobe PDF Forms in C#

Interactive forms in an Adobe PDF document can be used to gather information from end-users. This article shows how to create those forms using TX Text Control in .NET applications using C#.

Requesting Electronic Signatures

Requesting Electronic Signatures

Requesting signatures is a common application using the TX Text Control document viewer available for ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core and Angular. This article shows a typical workflow how to prepare documents for a signature acquisition.

Document Viewer: Setting the Rendering Mode

Document Viewer: Setting the Rendering Mode

This article shows how to set the rendering mode of the Document Viewer. The rendering mode determines how the document is rendered and displayed in the viewer using Bitmap or SVG rendering.

ASP.NET Core: Loading Documents in the Document Editor

ASP.NET Core: Loading Documents in the Document Editor

Learn how to load a document in the Document Editor using ASP.NET Core. This article explains how to load a document from a file or a byte array and how to load a document from client-side JavaScript code.

Creating PDF Files using TX Text Control .NET in C#

Creating PDF Files using TX Text Control .NET in C#

TX Text Control allows developers to create PDF files programmatically using C#. This article shows various ways to create Adobe PDF documents.

Mail Merge MS Word Templates in C#

Mail Merge MS Word Templates in C#

TX Text Control's MailMerge engine allows you to perform MS Word compatible mail merge processes in .NET based applications. This article gives an overview of the basic functionality and shows how to merge JSON data into templates.

Merging Barcodes with JSON Data in C#

Merging Barcodes with JSON Data in C#

Barcodes are used in various applications to connect the electronic world with a paper document or to gain access to additional information. This article shows how to merge JSON data into barcode placeholders in a document.

Detect Toggle Button Changes

Detect Toggle Button Changes

This article shows how to detect changes of toggle buttons in the ribbon of the web editor using a MutationObserver. The state of a toggle button in the ribbon visualizes the state of a certain property. For example a toggled list button shows, that the current input position belongs to a list.

Sequentially Sign Documents with Multiple Signers

Sequentially Sign Documents with Multiple Signers

The Text Control DocumentViewer is designed to sign documents by multiple users. This article explains how to setup and deploy documents for multiple signers.

Creating PDF Documents from MS Word DOCX in C#

Creating PDF Documents from MS Word DOCX in C#

TX Text Control provides an elegant way to create Adobe PDF documents by merging data into MS Word DOCX templates. The developer libraries can be used in any platform including ASP.NET Core, Angular, React or Windows applications.

.NET Microsoft Word API: Creating DOCX Documents

.NET Microsoft Word API: Creating DOCX Documents

TX Text Control provides a fast, powerful and reliable way to create MS Word documents programmatically using C#. There are many ways to create documents using Text Control products. This article gives an overview of different approaches using our products.

Implementing Conditional Table Cell Colors

Implementing Conditional Table Cell Colors

This ASP.NET MVC sample shows how to implement conditional table cell colors using the online document editor and an ASP.NET backend.

JavaScript Functions for Typical Form Field Tasks

JavaScript Functions for Typical Form Field Tasks

The new JavaScript API not only enables programmatic access to all elements of a document, but also provides events for user interaction.

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