We just released a new endpoint to the ReportingCloud Web API:


This new endpoint can be used to find any text in any text part of a document including the main text, headers and footers and text frames. The endpoint POST method accepts an array of string arrays with pair values to find and replace strings in a template.

The following code, that uses the ReportingCloud .NET wrapper, finds and replaces the string Invoice with ReplacedText and Invoice2 with ReplacedText2 in the complete document.

ReportingCloud rc = new ReportingCloud("username", "password");
FindAndReplaceBody body = new FindAndReplaceBody();
body.FindAndReplaceData = new List<string[]> {
new string[] { "Invoice", "ReplacedText" },
new string[] { "Invoice2", "ReplacedText2" }
byte[] bDocument = rc.FindAndReplaceDocument(body, "invoice.tx", ReturnFormat.HTML);
string sHtmlDocument = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bDocument);
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For mail merge purposes, usually merge fields are used and those templates are merged using the endpoint document/merge. But in several scenarios or templates from legacy applications, simple find and replace processes are very useful.

Start today with ReportingCloud and sign up for a free trial account.

Happy coding!