We just released new template management features in the ReportingCloud portal. Users requested the functionality to rename templates and to create copies of existing templates. We redesigned the template list view and grouped the additional template options in a drop-down button:

New template management features in ReportingCloud portal

Possible template actions are:

  • Edit
  • Rename
  • Create Copy
  • Delete
  • Download

The Create Copy function creates a copy of the template and stores it in the template storage with the suffix _copy at the end.

New template management features in ReportingCloud portal

The datasource excerpt files can now be edited with the leading code editor Ace, an embeddable code editor written in JavaScript. This gives you a powerful tool to modify these excerpt files with error checking and typical code editing features such as code folding and expanding.

These improvements are part of the continual improvement process of ReportingCloud. If you have ideas or suggestions, use our feedback system and let us know.

Happy coding!