This week, enthusiastic developers from around the globe, speakers and all industry-leading vendors in the Microsoft-focused ecosystem gathered for the DEVintersection conference at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV.
Microsoft sent their top speakers including Scott Hanselman, Jeff Hollan, Kathleen Dollard, Mads Kristensen, Scott Hunter and Olia Gavrysh to give talks about the latest developments in Azure, Visual Studio, .NET and AzureFunctions.
At our booth, we were able to talk to hundreds of developers about our latest version of TX Text Control and our digital document processing technologies including document signing, collaboration and sharing. This year, we handed out "Las Vegas"-styled, metal bottle openers as giveaways and traditionally raffled off an Xbox Series X, together with our friend Carl Franklin (.NET Rocks!, sponsored by Text Control) at the end of the show.
We had a fantastic week and would like to thank all attendees, friends and partners who stopped by our booth. Find below some impressions of the DEVintersection and our booth area.
See you next time in <<placeholder>> at DEVintersection Fall 2022!*
* there is no date and location for the next DEVintersection yet. But it will happen in Q4 (maybe) and probably in Las Vegas (or Orlando or Phoenix or ...). Only one thing is for sure:
We will be there to support our community!