The MVC version of TX Text Control provides a JavaScript API to load and save documents locally:

These client-side methods are very useful when managing your data including documents client-side. In case you would like to store your documents server-side, you would need to save it locally in order to send it to the server again. For a saving process, the document is being sent twice using HTTP.

Because the document is already server-side (it gets synchronized with the document synchronization service), you can use a little trick to save the document directly server-side without the overhead of sending it back and forth.

The following code stores Text Control settings including the ConnectionID that can be used server-side to connect to the proper instance:

var txSettings;
function checkSettings()
// store Text Control settings
var settings = document.querySelector("#__txSettings");
txSettings = JSON.parse(settings.textContent);
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The following function calls a Web API endpoint with the given ConnectionID:

// this function loads a document directly server-side
function loadDocument(documentName)
// call the Web API endpoint LoadDocument with the
// stored, current ConnectionID
var serviceURL = "/api/TXDocument/LoadDocument?ConnectionID="
+ txSettings.ConnectionID +
"&DocumentName=" + documentName;
type: "GET",
url: serviceURL,
contentType: 'application/json',
success: successFunc,
error: errorFunc
function successFunc(data, status) {
// set the loaded document name
loadedDocument = documentName;
function errorFunc() {
console.log("An error occured.");
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In the controller code, the ConnectionID is used to retrieve the associated instance of the WebSocketHandler:

public HttpResponseMessage LoadDocument(string ConnectionID, string DocumentName)
// connect the WebSocketHandler with the ConnectionID
WebSocketHandler wsHandler = WebSocketHandler.GetInstance(ConnectionID);
// the document directly server-side
wsHandler.LoadText(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/App_Data/" + DocumentName),
return new HttpResponseMessage()
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK
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Then the LoadText method can be used to load the document directly server-side which updates the view in the HTML5 canvas automatically.

The following diagram shows the workflow for this scenario:

Loading workflow in MVC

You can test this on your own by downloading the sample project from our GitHub repository.