Since version X13 (23.0), the control culture and UI culture of the HTML5 based editor Web.TextControl can be defined using the properties Culture and UICulture.

By default and if not specified by the above properties, the user language is defined by the client user settings. For example, if the user specifies a language in the browser language settings, the language of the editor is adapted automatically. The following screenshot shows the Languages dialog of the browser Firefox:

MVC: Setting the interface and control's culture of Web.TextControl

With the above settings, the interface and control language will be set to German automatically. The date and time string formats, the ruler bar units and the string resources such as ribbon bar titles and dialog boxes are localized:

MVC: Setting the interface and control's culture of Web.TextControl

English and German resources are included by default and all other languages can be used by creating satellite assemblies using the TX Text Control resource kit. This is described in the following documentation article:

Using the Resource Kit

In the ASP.NET Web Forms (AJAX) control, the properties can be easily adjusted in the Properties Window:

MVC: Setting the interface and control's culture of Web.TextControl

In the ASP.NET MVC version, these properties can be set using lambda expressions directly in the HtmlHelper:

@Html.TXTextControl().TextControl(settings =>
settings.UICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
settings.Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
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When these settings are set to English explicitly, the control is created with English settings and resources:

MVC: Setting the interface and control's culture of Web.TextControl