Version X15

What's New?

We frequently release new major releases of our libraries. These releases include innovative features and address requests from our user base.

Protected Documents

Protected Documents

Using TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms, documents can be protected by restricting the formatting and editing of content. Editable regions are exceptions within protected documents where specific users have access.

Chart Layout Ribbon Tab

Chart Layout Ribbon Tab

2D and 3D chart objects can be added to documents and merged with data using the reporting framework MailMerge. When a chart object has been inserted and selected, a new out-of-the-box ribbon group Chart Tools is available in the TX Text Control ribbon.

Contextual Mini Toolbar

Contextual Mini Toolbar

Inspired by Microsoft Word, the new mini toolbar coming in version X15 is a small version of the full ribbon toolbar providing the most common formatting features. The mini toolbar appears when text is selected or selected text is right-clicked.

Watermarks in Headers and Footers

Watermarks in Headers and Footers

Content in headers and footers can overlap main text. This is typically used in letterhead templates to place an address block in a text box on the side of the main text. This content is repeated on each page dependent of the header and footer section settings.

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