For version X16, we are working on a new UI concept to arrange commonly tasks in sidebars that can be docked (pinned) or unpinned and shown as nonmodal dialog windows. The following screenshot shows 3 ready-to-use panels docked to different locations in a form:

Sidebar panels in TX Words

A sidebar can be customized with your own interface by adding a control (System.Windows.Forms.Control) as the content layout. If using the pre-designed layouts, they can be connected to a TXTextControl.TextControl class TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms
TXTextControl Namespace
TextControl Class
The TextControl class implements a Windows Forms control with high-level text editing features.
or TXTextControl.WPF.TextControl class TX Text Control .NET for WPF
WPF Namespace
TextControl Class
The WPF.TextControl class class implements a control with high-level text editing features.
to work out-of-the-box.

Additionally, docked sidebars can be used with pre-designed ribbon tabs. If connected, drop-down buttons are rendered automatically to allow users to choose the docked panel location:

Sidebar panels in TX Words

Sidebar panels in TX Words

All of these panels are customizable and can be fully programmed using the TX Text Control API. Stay tuned for more upcoming features!