Sneak Peek X12: TX Text Control .NET for WPF
This article describes upcoming features that will be part of the next version of TX Text Control.
We just received an internal build from our engineering with the latest versions of TX Text Control X12. The WPF version of TX Text Control is getting a complete new rendering engine. As a result of this new engine, the WPF "Airspace"-issue will be resolved. In earlier versions, the TX Text Control component (and many other components) were always rendered on top of other controls.
The WPF "Airspace"-Problem
The following animated screenshot shows TextControl in a ScrollViewer. On scrolling, the TextControl is moving out of the ScrollViewer overlapping other controls:
Animation 1: Older versions of TX Text Control .NET for WPF
Thanks to the new rendering engine of TX Text Control X12, the TextControl object doesn't overlap other controls in the same scenario:
Animation 2: TX Text Control .NET for WPF X12
Full WPF Rendering - RenderTransform
Render transforms are typically used for animating or applying an effect to an UI element in WPF. TX Text Control .NET for WPF X12 will support all transformations including rotate, skew and flip.
The following screenshot shows a rotated TextControl object on a Window:
WPF Adorner
An Adorner is a FrameworkElement that is bound to an UIElement. Adorners are rendered in an AdornerLayer, which is a rendering surface that is always on top of the adorned element or a collection of adorned elements.[1]
Adorners can be added in version X12 that are rendered on top of TextControl as expected.
RibbonBar Integration
Version X12 comes with fully functional ribbon tabs for the most typical tasks in a word processing application. The ribbon tabs are pre-defined components that can be bound to TX Text Control directly:
<DockPanel> <my:Ribbon DockPanel.Dock="Top"> <WPF:RibbonFormattingTab x:Name="format1" Header="Formatting" IsEnabled="True" /> </my:Ribbon> <WPF:TextControl RibbonFormattingTab="format1" x:Name="textControl1" /> </DockPanel>
When starting the application, the formatting ribbon tab is automatically connected to the TextControl instance:
The ribbon tabs are completely customizable and extendable that helps you to integrate TX Text Control into your existing application.
Stay tuned for more details.
[1] Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN): Adorners Overview (