A detailed sample application that illustrates how to create a 'meeting minutes reporting' tool using TX Text Control ActiveX Server.
The resulting document can be saved in a number of popular formats.
A detailed sample application that illustrates how to create a 'meeting minutes reporting' tool using TX Text Control ActiveX Server. The resulting document can be saved in a number of popular formats.
A detailed sample application that illustrates how to create a 'meeting minutes reporting' tool using TX Text Control ActiveX Server.
The resulting document can be saved in a number of popular formats.
TX Text Control ActiveX is a royalty-free, fully programmable rich edit control that offers developers a broad range of word processing features in a reusable component. It provides comprehensive text formatting, powerful mail merge features and all word processing key concepts such as table support, images, headers and footers and page sections.
This article shows how to manipulate table cells during the mail merge process in .NET C#. The FieldMerged event can be used to manipulate the table cells after they are merged.
This week we sponsored the .NET Developer Conference DDC 2024 in Cologne, Germany. It was a great event with many interesting talks and workshops. Here are some impressions of the conference.
We had an incredible time showcasing our digital document processing SDKs at VSLive! Orlando 2024 as a silver sponsor! Throughout the event, we interacted with hundreds of developers, shared innovative solutions, and wrapped things up with an exciting Xbox Series X giveaway. Check out the highlights from our booth below!
Embedding files as attachments to PDF documents offers significant benefits across multiple industries. This article shows how to create PDF documents with embedded attachments using TX Text Control .NET Server for ASP.NET Core.
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