Recently, we released a new version of the DocumentViewer that supports custom signature handling by routing the signature data and/or signed document to a given, custom endpoint in your ASP.NET web application.

Server-Side Processing

This is useful, if the signed document is stored server-side or needs to be further processed in your application. The sample project discussed in this article forwards the signed document and the associated data to a given URL. The following sequence diagram shows this workflow:

Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram: Sending signature data and signed document

Read more

Learn more about all supported workflows in this detailed article about the new functionality:

Document Signing by Routing Requests to Custom Endpoints

Define the Redirect URL

The following HTML helper code shows how to add the DocumentViewer to the view and to set the RedirectUrlAfterSignature to the custom Home/HandleSignature controller in the same application.

@Html.TXTextControl().DocumentViewer(settings => {
settings.DocumentPath = "App_Data/nda.tx";
settings.Dock = DocumentViewerSettings.DockStyle.Fill;
settings.SignatureSettings = new SignatureSettings() {
RedirectUrlAfterSignature = this.Url.Action(
new { securityToken = "1234" },
ShowSignatureBar = true,
SignerName = "Tim Typer",
UniqueId = "1234-1234-1234-1234"
view raw test.cshtml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Additionally, a query string parameter is given to show that additional, custom data can be forwarded to the request. In this sample, a simple securityToken string is forwarded to "validate" the request. In a real-world application, this could be any other data or a valid OAuth access token.

The custom controller HttpPost method HandleSignature is called by the DocumentViewer after a document has been signed successfully:

public IActionResult HandleSignature([FromBody] SignatureData data, string securityToken)
ReturnObject returnObject = new ReturnObject();
if (securityToken != "123")
return Ok(returnObject);
// here, you have access to the signed document and other meta data
var test = data.SignedDocument.Document;
returnObject.Success = true;
returnObject.Id = data.SignedDocument.UniqueId;
return Ok(returnObject);
public class ReturnObject
public string Id { get; set; }
public bool Success { get; set; } = false;
view raw test.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

The forwarded SignatureData object contains meta data about the signature and the signed document:

SignatureData class

The securityToken is checked for "validity". If valid, a return object is created with information that should be passed back to client-side JavaScript. This is not required, but useful to provide a feedback to users. Implicitly, to be flexible, the DocumentViewer will always return a string and your custom endpoint should return a 200 status code in all cases - even if your custom method is failing. From the signing perspective, the action is fulfilled and successful. Therefore, in this demo, a ReturnObject is returned with a Success property.

Client-Side Callback

On client-side, the setSubmitCallback method is used to attach a method that is called after a successful roundtrip to your custom controller method:

// attach the callback
window.addEventListener("documentViewerLoaded", function () {
function handleSignedDocument(data) {
var returnObject = JSON.parse(data);
if (returnObject.success === true)
alert("Thanks for signing!");
alert("Signing failed!");
view raw test.js hosted with ❤ by GitHub

As the return value is always a string, it can be parsed into an object and directly accessed.

Test this on your own and download the sample application from our GitHub account.