I just got an interesting support question: "How can I change the order of the image formats in the dialog box that is opended by calling the ImageCollection.Add method?"

The dialog reads all available image formats from the tx11_ic.ini file, located in the BIN folder of TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms's install directory.

Additionally, the order can be set as well. So, if you would like to have the image format PNG as default, it should be on top of the list, which should then look like this:

[Graphic Import Filters]
Portable Network Graphics(.PNG)=tx11_png.flt,png
Graphics Interchange Format(.GIF)=tx11.png.flt,gif
Tagged Image Format(.TIF)=tx11_tif.flt,tif
Windows Metafile(.WMF)=tx11_wmf.flt,wmf
JPEG File Interchange Format(.JPG, .JPEG)=tx11.png.flt,jpg
Windows Bitmap(.BMP)=tx11_bmp.flt,bmp