The ZUGFeRD / Factur-X standard is a hybrid electronic invoice format that consists of two parts:

  • A PDF visual, human-readable representation of the invoice.

  • An XML file that contains invoice data in a structured form that can be processed automatically.

TX Text Control X19 supports the embedding of attachments in PDF/A-3b documents and also the extraction of an attachment. This sample shows 3 steps of the creation process using TX Text Control:

  • Creating the required ZUGFeRD XML.
  • Creating the visual representation.
  • Export both to a valid PDF/A-3b document.

Embedding Existing XML

In case, you already have a valid XML representation created by a third-party tool or an ERP system, you can easily embed this XML to a PDF document using the Save TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms
TXTextControl Namespace
ServerTextControl Class
Save Method
Saves the complete contents of a document with the specified format.
method by specifying an EmbeddedFile TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms
TXTextControl Namespace
EmbeddedFile Class
The EmbeddedFile class represents a file embedded in another document.
in the SaveSettings.

string xmlZugferd = ""; // your XML
string metaData = ""; // required RDF meta data
TXTextControl.SaveSettings saveSettings = new TXTextControl.SaveSettings();
// create a new embedded file
var zugferdInvoice = new TXTextControl.EmbeddedFile(
zugferdInvoice.Description = "ZUGFeRD-invoice";
zugferdInvoice.Relationship = "Alternative";
zugferdInvoice.MIMEType = "application/xml";
zugferdInvoice.LastModificationDate = DateTime.Now;
// set the embedded files
saveSettings.EmbeddedFiles = new TXTextControl.EmbeddedFile[] {
new TXTextControl.EmbeddedFile(
metadata) };
// export the PDF
textControl1.Save("test.pdf", TXTextControl.StreamType.AdobePDFA, saveSettings);
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For demo purposes, we implemented the helper class TXTextControl.DocumentServer.PDF.Zugferd.Invoice that creates a valid ZUGFeRD XML. The method CreateSampleInvoice returns the required XML that is embedded into the created PDF document.

private Invoice CreateSampleInvoice() {
// new zugferd invoice
Invoice invoice = new Invoice("A12345", DateTime.Now, CurrencyCode.USD);
invoice.Type = InvoiceType.Invoice;
invoice.Profile = Profile.Comfort;
// buyer
invoice.Buyer = new TradeParty {
ID = "TX_1",
Name = "Text Control GmbH",
ContactName = "Peter Paulsen",
City = "Bremen",
Postcode = "28217",
Country = CountryCode.DE,
Street = "??berseetor 18"
// seller
invoice.Seller = new TradeParty {
ID = "TX_2",
Name = "Text Control, LLC",
ContactName = "Jack Jackson",
City = "Charlotte, NC",
Postcode = "28210",
Country = CountryCode.US,
Street = "6926 Shannon Willow Rd, Suite 400",
// add tax id's
new TaxID() { ID = "US12367623", Scheme = TaxScheme.VA });
// add products
List<LineItem> lineItems = new List<LineItem>();
lineItems.Add(new LineItem() {
Price = 200,
ProductID = "A123",
Name = "Product A",
Quantity = 5,
Total = 1000,
UnitCode = QuantityCodes.C62
// add line items to invoice
foreach (LineItem item in lineItems)
// set the total amount
invoice.TotalAmount = 1000;
return invoice;
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In the sample application, a very simple template is used to create the visual representation of the invoice:

ZUGFeRD Template

The following code loads the template into a TextControl and uses MailMerge TX Text Control .NET for Windows Forms
DocumentServer Namespace
MailMerge Class
The MailMerge class is a .NET component that can be used to effortlessly merge template documents with database content in .NET projects, such as ASP.NET web applications, web services or Windows services.
to merge the sample data into the document. The CreateXml method of the Invoice class returns the valid ZUGFeRD XML. Together with the required meta data, the XML is embedded and exported to a valid PDF/A-3b document.

TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge mm = new TXTextControl.DocumentServer.MailMerge();
mm.TextComponent = textControl1;
textControl1.Load("invoice.tx", TXTextControl.StreamType.InternalUnicodeFormat);
Invoice invoice = CreateSampleInvoice();
// merge data into template
// create the XML
string xmlZugferd = invoice.CreateXml();
// get the required meta data
string metaData = MetaData.GetMetaData();
TXTextControl.SaveSettings saveSettings = new TXTextControl.SaveSettings();
// create a new embedded file
var zugferdInvoice = new TXTextControl.EmbeddedFile(
zugferdInvoice.Description = "ZUGFeRD-invoice";
zugferdInvoice.Relationship = "Alternative";
zugferdInvoice.MIMEType = "application/xml";
zugferdInvoice.LastModificationDate = DateTime.Now;
// set the embedded files
saveSettings.EmbeddedFiles = new TXTextControl.EmbeddedFile[] {
new TXTextControl.EmbeddedFile(
metaData) };
// export the PDF
textControl1.Save("test.pdf", TXTextControl.StreamType.AdobePDFA, saveSettings);
view raw test.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub


The XML document that is embedded in the PDF is listed below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<rsm:CrossIndustryInvoice xmlns:a="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:QualifiedDataType:100" xmlns:rsm="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:CrossIndustryInvoice:100" xmlns:qdt="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:QualifiedDataType:10" xmlns:ram="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:ReusableAggregateBusinessInformationEntity:100" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:udt="urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:standard:UnqualifiedDataType:100">
<udt:DateTimeString format="102">20210203</udt:DateTimeString>
<ram:Name>Product A</ram:Name>
<ram:BilledQuantity unitCode="C62">5</ram:BilledQuantity>
<ram:Name>Text Control, LLC</ram:Name>
<ram:LineOne>Jack Jackson</ram:LineOne>
<ram:LineTwo>6926 Shannon Willow Rd, Suite 400</ram:LineTwo>
<ram:CityName>Charlotte, NC</ram:CityName>
<ram:ID schemeID="VA">US12367623</ram:ID>
<ram:Name>Text Control GmbH</ram:Name>
<ram:LineOne>Peter Paulsen</ram:LineOne>
<ram:LineTwo>??berseetor 18</ram:LineTwo>
<udt:DateTimeString format="102">20210203</udt:DateTimeString>
<udt:DateTimeString format="102">20210305</udt:DateTimeString>
<ram:TaxTotalAmount currencyID="USD">190.00</ram:TaxTotalAmount>
view raw sample.xml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

In Acrobat Reader

When the resulting PDF document is opened in Acrobat Reader, you can check the PDF/A-3b conformance using the Standards tab:

ZUGFeRD Template

Additionally, you can verify the attachments:

ZUGFeRD Template

Validating the Conformance

After validating the ZUGFeRD document using validation services such as the ZF/FX Validation (, you can see that the created document passes all tests:

ZUGFeRD Template

You can download the sample project from our GitHub repository that contains the ZUGFeRD helper classes to create a valid XML document from scratch.