Sections and Pages


Property Description
TXTextControl.ColumnDistance Sets the distance, in twips, between the columns on a page for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.ColumnLineColor Returns or sets the color of a dividing line between two page columns, either for the whole document or for a certain section.
TXTextControl.ColumnLineWidth Returns or sets the width, in twips, of a dividing line between two page columns, either for the whole document or for a certain section.
TXTextControl.Columns Returns or sets the number of columns on a page for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.ColumnWidthsAndDistances Returns or sets the number of columns on a page including its widths and distances for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.PageBorderAttribute This property returns or sets page border attributes for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.PageCount Returns the number of pages, the document contains.
TXTextControl.PageHeight Returns or sets the height of the page for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.PageImage Returns an image of the specified page which can be used with the Picture property of a Form object, PictureBox control or Image control.
TXTextControl.PageLength Gets the number of characters of the page, including the page break character at the end of the page.
TXTextControl.PageMarginB Returns or sets the bottom page margin for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.PageMarginL Returns or sets the left page margin for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.PageMarginR Returns or sets the right page margin for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.PageMarginT Returns or sets the top page margin for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.PageOrientation Returns or sets the page orientation, portrait or landscape.
TXTextControl.PageStart Gets the number (one-based) of the page's first character.
TXTextControl.PageViewStyle Defines the kind of view to display the page background.
TXTextControl.PageWidth Returns or sets the width of the page for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.SectionAtInputPos Returns the number of the section containing the current text input position.
TXTextControl.SectionBreakKind Returns or sets the kind of the section break the section starts with.
TXTextControl.SectionCount Returns the number of sections, the document contains.
TXTextControl.SectionCurrent Returns or sets the section number for the following properties and methods: PageWidth, PageHeight, PageMarginL, PageMarginT, PageMarginR, PageMarginB, PageOrientation, HeaderFooter, HeaderFooterActivate, HeaderFooterSelect, HeaderFooterPosition, HeaderFooterConnectedToPrevious, Columns, PageBorderAttribute, ColumnDistance, ColumnLineWidth, ColumnLineColor, ColumnWidthsAndDistances, SectionRestartPageNumbering, and SectionBreakKind.
TXTextControl.SectionLength Gets the number of characters in the section.
TXTextControl.SectionRestartPageNumbering Returns or sets a value specifying whether page numbering is restarted at the beginning of a document section.
TXTextControl.SectionStart Gets the number (one-based) of the section's first character.


Method Description
TXTextControl.PageSelect This method can be used to select the specified page.
TXTextControl.SectionFormatDialog This method invokes the built-in dialog box to set page settings and to design the headers and footers either for the whole document or for a single section.
TXTextControl.SectionInsert Inserts a section break at the text input position or at a specified position.
TXTextControl.SectionSelect This method can be used to select the specified section.


Event Description
TXTextControl.PageChanged Occurs when the text input position has been moved to another page.
TXTextControl.PageFormatChange Occurs when the page format settings have been changed.
TXTextControl.SectionChanged Occurs when the text input position has been moved to another section.