TXTextControl.PageBorderAttribute Property

This property returns or sets page border attributes for the whole document or for a document's section. The SectionCurrent property determines the part of the document.

Introduced: 17.0.


TXTextControl.PageBorderAttribute(Attribute) [= value]
Parameter Description

Determines the attribute that is to be changed or returned. Possible values are listed in Constants.


Valid values for the Attribute parameter are:

Constant Description
txPageBorderLeftBorderWidth (1)

Specifies the width of the page border's left line, in twips. It is zero, if the line is not visible.

txPageBorderTopBorderWidth (2)

Specifies the width of the page border's top line, in twips. It is zero, if the line is not visible.

txPageBorderRightBorderWidth (3)

Specifies the width of the page border's right line, in twips. It is zero, if the line is not visible.

txPageBorderBottomBorderWidth (4)

Specifies the width of the page border's bottom line, in twips. It is zero, if the line is not visible.

txPageBorderLeftDistance (5)

Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the left border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText attribute.

txPageBorderTopDistance (6)

Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the top border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText attribute.

txPageBorderRightDistance (7)

Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the right border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText attribute.

txPageBorderBottomDistance (8)

Gets or sets the distance, in twips, of the bottom border line either from the edge of the page or from the text, depending on the MeasureFromText attribute.

txPageBorderLeftBorderColor (9)

Gets or sets the color of the left border line.

txPageBorderTopBorderColor (10)

Gets or sets the color of the top border line.

txPageBorderRightBorderColor (11)

Gets or sets the color of the right border line.

txPageBorderBottomBorderColor (12)

Gets or sets the color of the bottom border line.

txPageBorderOmitFirstPage (13)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border is not drawn on the first page of the section.

txPageBorderFirstPageOnly (14)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border is drawn only on the first page of the section.

txPageBorderSurroundHeader (15)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border surrounds the section's header.

txPageBorderSurroundFooter (16)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border surrounds the section's footer.

txPageBorderMeasureFromText (17)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page border's distances are measured from the text.

Data Types

txPageBorderLeftBorderWidth Integer
txPageBorderTopBorderWidth Integer
txPageBorderRightBorderWidth Integer
txPageBorderBottomBorderWidth Integer
txPageBorderLeftDistance Integer
txPageBorderTopDistance Integer
txPageBorderRightDistance Integer
txPageBorderBottomDistance Integer
txPageBorderLeftBorderColor Long
txPageBorderTopBorderColor Long
txPageBorderRightBorderColor Long
txPageBorderBottomBorderColor Long
txPageBorderOmitFirstPage Boolean
txPageBorderFirstPageOnly Boolean
txPageBorderSurroundHeader Boolean
txPageBorderSurroundFooter Boolean
txPageBorderMeasureFromText Boolean


Run time only.

See Also