Extended Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 19.0 the following properties, methods and events have been extended:


Property Update Note
HeaderFooter Property Has been extended with the txEvenHeader and txEvenFooter constants to support different headers and footers on the even and the odd pages of a document.
HeaderFooterAtInputPos Property Has been extended with the txEvenHeader and txEvenFooter constants.
HeaderFooterPosition Property Has been extended with the txEvenHeader and txEvenFooter constants.
HeaderFooterActivate Method Has been extended with the txEvenHeader and txEvenFooter constants.
HeaderFooterSelect Method Has been extended with the txEvenHeader and txEvenFooter constants.
HeaderFooterActivated Event Has been extended with the txEvenHeader and txEvenFooter constants.
HeaderFooterStyle Property Has been extended with the txDividingLine setting.
DisplayColor Property Has been extended with the txHeaderFooterLineColor and txHeaderFooterLabelColor index values.
FieldNext Property Has been extended to support fields which have the type txFieldAllPages.
FieldType Property Has been extended to define a field which has the type txFieldAllPages.
FieldTypeData Property Has been extended to define the data of a field which has the type txFieldAllPages.