TXTextControl.DisplayColor Property

This property gets or sets the display colors of a TextControl. With this property all colors can be individually designed. The colors are only used when the text control's PageViewStyle property has been set to txGradientColors.

Introduced: 15.1.


TXTextControl.DisplayColor(index) [= color]
Parameter Description

Determines the index of the display element the color of which is changed. It must be a value of the TextControlColor enumeration. Possible values are listed in Constants.


Valid values for the index parameter are:

Constant Description
txDesktopColor (0)

Gets or sets the display color for the area around the pages.

txLightShadowColor (1)

Gets or sets the display color for the shadow at the left and the top edge of the pages.

txDarkShadowColor (2)

Gets or sets the display color for the shadow at the right and the bottom edge of the pages.

txHeaderFooterLineColor (3)

Gets or sets the display color for the dividing line between headers and footers and the main text.

txHeaderFooterLabelColor (4)

Gets or sets the display color for the label showing which header or footer is activated.

txActiveFormFieldColor (5)

Gets or sets the highlight color of a form field containing the current text input position.

txFormFieldColor (6)

Gets or sets the highlight color of a form field.

Data Types

index: Integer
Property value: Long


Run time only.

See Also