TXTextControl.FieldType Property

This property sets or returns the type of a marked text field. The chapter Technical Articles - Marked Text Fields - Special Types of Marked Text Fields describes all the types and the data belonging to these types. Type-related data must be set with the FieldTypeData property.


TXTextControl.FieldType(FieldId) [= FieldType]
Parameter Description

Identifies the field that is to be manipulated. Possible property values are listed in Constants.


The following lists the possible property values:

Constant Description
txFieldStandard (0)

Resets a field of a special type to a standard marked text field.

txFieldExternalLink (1)

Defines the source of a hypertext link to a location outside of the document. The FieldTypeData property must be used to define where the link points to.

txFieldInternalLink (2)

Defines the source of a hypertext link to a location in the same document.The FieldTypeData property must be used to define where the link points to. It must be TargetName of a link target.

txFieldPageNumber (3)

This field displays the current page number. It can only be used in headers or footers. The FieldTypeData property can be used to define the starting number and its format.

txFieldHighlight (5)

Defines a piece of text that can be highlighted. The FieldTypeData property must be used to define the color of the highlight.

txFieldTopic (6)

Defines a position in a document that is the beginning of a topic. The FieldTypeData property must be used to define the number of the topic.

txFieldMSWord (7)

Defines a Microsoft Word field. The FieldTypeData property must be used to define the field's type name and parameters.

txFieldHighEdit (8)

Defines a Heiler HighEdit field. The FieldTypeData property must be used to define the field's type name and parameters.

txFieldAllPages (9)

This field displays the number of pages in the document or section. It can only be used in headers and footers. The FieldTypeData property can be used to define its format.

txFieldCheckBox (14)

Read only. This field is a checkbox, the user can check or uncheck it. To insert a field of this type use the FormCheckBoxInsert method.

txFieldComboBox (15)

Read only. This field is a combobox or a dropdown list. The user can select an item which is then displayed as the field's text. To insert a field of this type use the FormComboBoxInsert or FormDropDownListInsert method. When the field is a combobox, the FieldChangeable property is True.

txFieldFormText (16)

Read only. This field is a text field used with forms. When such a field is empty, which means that no text belongs to the field, it has a specified width. To insert a field of this type use the FormTextFieldInsert method.

txFieldDate (17)

Read only. This field is a date field. The user can select a date, which is then displayed as the field's text. To insert a field of this type use the FormDateFieldInsert method.


The types txFieldPageNumber, txFieldAllPages and txFieldTopic can only be set when the marked text field has no text.

Data Types

FieldId: Integer
Property value: Integer


Run time only. Read only for the field types txFieldCheckBox, txFieldComboBox, txFieldFormText, txFieldDate.

See Also