Extended Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 14.0 the following properties, methods and events have been extended:


Property Update Note
HeaderFooter Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property specifies a section number.
HeaderFooterPosition Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property determines the section the header or footer belongs to.
HeaderFooterAtInputPos Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property receives the number of the section the header or footer belongs to.
PageHeight Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property specifies a section number.
PageMarginL Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property specifies a section number.
PageMarginT Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property specifies a section number.
PageMarginR Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property specifies a section number.
PageMarginB Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property specifies a section number.
PageWidth Property Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property specifies a section number.
LoadSaveAttribute Property Has been extended with the txLoadMSWordFields and txLoadHighEditFields attributes to support Microsoft Word and Heiler HighEdit fields contained in Microsoft Word and RTF documents.
FieldType Property Has been extended with the txFieldMSWord and txFieldHighEdit field types to support Microsoft Word and Heiler HighEdit fields contained in Microsoft Word and RTF documents.
FieldTypeData Property Has been extended with the txFieldMSWord and txFieldHighEdit field types to support Microsoft Word and Heiler HighEdit fields contained in Microsoft Word and RTF documents.


Method Update Note
HeaderFooterActivate Method Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property determines the section the header or footer of which is activated.
HeaderFooterSelect Method Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property determines the section the header or footer of which is selected.
FieldNext Method Has been extended to support fields of the types txFieldMSWord and txFieldHighEdit.


Method Update Note
HeaderFooterActivated Event Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property receives the number of the section to which the header or footer belongs.
HeaderFooterDeactivated Event Has been extended to support sections. The SectionCurrent property receives the number of the section to which the header or footer belongs.