New Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 12.0 the following new properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
TXTextControl.HeaderFooterAtInputPos Returns which header or footer owns the current text input position.
TXTextControl.ObjectHeight Returns or sets the natural height, in twips, of an image, text frame, signature field or OLE object.
TXTextControl.ObjectWidth Returns or sets the natural width, in twips, of an image, text frame, signature field or OLE object.
TXTextControl.TextFrameBackColor Returns or sets the background color of a text frame.
TXTextControl.TextFrameBorderWidth Specifies the width, in twips, of a text frame's border line.
TXTextControl.TextFrameInternalMargin Specifies the distance (in twips) between a text frame's border line and the text.
TXTextControl.TextFrameMarkerLines This property determines whether or not marker lines for text frames are visible.


Method Description
TXTextControl.ImageInsert This method inserts a new image anchored to a paragraph.
TXTextControl.ImageInsertAsChar This method inserts a new image which is then handled like a single character in the text.
TXTextControl.ImageInsertFixed This method inserts a new image at a fixed geometrical position.
TXTextControl.ObjectAttrDialog This method invokes the built-in dialog box for setting attributes of images, text frames and OLE objects.
TXTextControl.ObjectGetSelected This method returns the identifier of the currently selected object.
TXTextControl.ObjectInsert This method inserts a new OLE object or other control anchored to a paragraph.
TXTextControl.TextFrameInsert This method inserts a new text frame anchored to a paragraph.
TXTextControl.TextFrameInsertAsChar This method inserts a new text frame, which is then handled as a single character in the text.
TXTextControl.TextFrameInsertFixed This method inserts a new text frame at a fixed geometrical position.
TXTextControl.TextFrameSelect This method determines whether a certain Text Control property or method manipulates a text frame or the main text.


Event Description
TXTextControl.ObjectRightClicked Occurs when an object has been clicked on with the right mouse button.
TXTextControl.TextFrameActivated Occurs when a text frame has obtained the input focus.
TXTextControl.TextFrameDeactivated Occurs when a text frame has lost the input focus.