TXTextControl.FormComboBoxInsert Method

This method inserts a combobox into the document at the current text input position. It has the specified items and the specified text.

Introduced: 28.0.


TXTextControl.FormComboBoxInsert FieldText, Items, ShowDropDownArrow [, EmptyWidth]
Parameter Description

Specifies the text contents in the edit field of the combobox.


Specifies the combobox's items. The items must be separated with 09 (TAB) control characters.


Specifies whether the combobox's dropdown arrow is immediately shown after insertion.


Optional. Specifies the combobox's width, in twips, when its edit field is empty. If this parameter is omitted, a default width of 2000 twips is used.

Return Value

The method returns True if the combobox could be inserted, otherwise it returns False.


Inserting a form field changes the value of the FieldCurrent property to the identifier of the newly created field.

Data Types

FieldText: String
Items: String
ShowDropDownArrow: Boolean
EmptyWidth: Integer

See Also