Paragraph Formatting


Property Description
TXTextControl.Alignment Specifies the alignment of text in a Text Control.
TXTextControl.FrameColor Returns or sets the background color for selected paragraphs.
TXTextControl.FrameDistance Returns or sets the distance between text and paragraph frame for the currently selected paragraph(s).
TXTextControl.FrameLineColor Returns or sets the color for the frame lines of selected paragraphs.
TXTextControl.FrameLineWidth Specifies the line widths of the currently selected paragraphs' frames.
TXTextControl.FrameStyle Returns or sets the style of the currently selected paragraphs' frames.
TXTextControl.IndentB Returns or sets an additional bottom distance (in twips) for a paragraph or a selected range of paragraphs.
TXTextControl.IndentFL Returns or sets an additional left indent (in twips) for the first line of a paragraph or a selected range of paragraphs.
TXTextControl.IndentL Returns or sets the left indent (in twips) for a paragraph or a selected range of paragraphs.
TXTextControl.IndentR Returns or sets the right indent (in twips) for a paragraph or a selected range of paragraphs.
TXTextControl.IndentT Returns or sets an additional top distance (in twips) for a paragraph or a selected range of paragraphs.
TXTextControl.Justification Gets or sets the kind of justification in documents containing Arabic or Hebrew characters.
TXTextControl.KeepLinesTogether Gets or sets a value indicating whether a page break is allowed within a paragraph.
TXTextControl.KeepWithNext If this property is set to true for a paragraph, it is displayed on the same page as its following paragraph.
TXTextControl.LineSpacing Specifies the line spacing for the currently selected paragraphs as a percentage of the font size.
TXTextControl.LineSpacingT Specifies the line spacing for the currently selected paragraphs in twips.
TXTextControl.PageBreakBefore If this property is set to true for a paragraph, it is always displayed on top of a page.
TXTextControl.ParagraphCount Returns the number of paragraphs, the document contains.
TXTextControl.TabCurrent Specifies the current tab number for the properties TabPos and TabType.
TXTextControl.TabPos Determines the position, in twips, of a certain tab.
TXTextControl.TabType Determines the type of a certain tab.
TXTextControl.TextDirection Specifies the writing direction.
TXTextControl.WidowOrphanLines Gets or sets the number of lines for widow/orphan control.


Method Description
TXTextControl.ChangeCapitalization Changes the capitalization of all selected characters depending on the Option parameter.
TXTextControl.ChangeTextDirection Changes the text direction of all selected paragraphs.
TXTextControl.DecreaseIndent Decreases the left indent of all paragraphs contained in the current text selection.
TXTextControl.IncreaseIndent Increases the left indent of all paragraphs contained in the current text selection.
TXTextControl.ParagraphDialog Invokes the Text Control's built-in paragraph attributes dialog box and, after the user has closed the dialog box, specifies whether he has changed something.
TXTextControl.ParagraphSelect This method can be used to select the specified paragraph.
TXTextControl.TabDialog Invokes the Text Control's built-in dialog box for setting tabs.


Event Description
TXTextControl.ParagraphChange Occurs when the character input position has been moved to another paragraph.
TXTextControl.ParagraphFormatChange Occurs when the paragraph attributes of the selected paragraphs have been changed.