Extended Properties, Methods and Events and Update Notes

In TX Text Control 28.0 the following properties, methods and events have been extended or updated:


Property/Method Update Note
DocumentPermissions Property Has been extended with the txAllowEditingFormFields setting.
DisplayColor Property Has been extended to support two new colors: txFormFieldColor specifies the highlight color of a form field and txActiveFormFieldColor specifies the highlight color of the form field containing the current text input position.
FieldNext Method Has been extended to support the new field types txFieldCheckBox, txFieldComboBox, txFieldFormText and txFieldDate.
FieldType Property Has been extended to support the new field types txFieldCheckBox, txFieldComboBox, txFieldFormText and txFieldDate.
LoadSaveAttribute Property Has been extended with the txLoadFormFields attribute. When this attribute is set to True, Microsoft Word fields are converted to TextControl formfields. A TextControl supports checkboxes, form textfields, comboboxes, dropdown lists and date fields. All other Microsoft Word fields are still converted to text fields of the type txFieldMSWord, when the txLoadMSWordFields attribute has been set to True.