TXTextControl.NumberingAttribute Property

This property returns or sets attributes for numbered lists. A new attribute set with this property has only effect when the ListType Method property is used the next time.


TXTextControl.NumberingAttribute(Attribute) [= value]
Parameter Description

Determines the attribute that is to be changed or returned. Possible values are listed in Constants.


Valid values for the Attribute parameter are:

Constant Description
txNumberingContinue (0)

Specifies that the current paragraph continues the numbered list if it is part of a list. To restart a list use txNumberingReStart.

txNumberingFormat (1)

Specifies the format of a numbered list. Possible values are:

Code Meaning
3 The list is numbered with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ...).
4 The list is numbered with small letters (a, b, c, ...).
5 The list is numbered with capital letters (A, B, C, ...).
6 The list is numbered with Roman numbers (I, II, III, ...).
7 The list is numbered with small Roman numbers (i, ii, iii, ...).
txNumberingFormatChar (2)

Specifies the code of the character that defines the formatting of the gap between the number character and the following text. Possible codes are:

Code Meaning
0 The text immediately follows the numbering character.
9 The text is displayed at the next tabulator position.
32 The text follows the numbering character seperated with a space character.
txNumberingLevel (3)

Specifies the level of the numbered list. The topmost level has the number one, the maximum possible level is 10.

txNumberingPos (4)

Defines the position of the number character in twips.

txNumberingPostChar (5)

Specifies an additional character that is displayed behind the number character. This property is obsolete, the txNumberingPostText Attribute must be used instead.

txNumberingPreChar (6)

Specifies an additional character that is displayed in front of the number character. This property is obsolete, the txNumberingPreText Attribute must be used instead.

txNumberingReStart (7)

If the current paragraph is part of a numbered list, this values specifies that a new list begins. The displayed number is given through txNumberingStart. Use txNumberingContinue to continue the list.

txNumberingStart (8)

Specifies the starting number of the numbered list. For example, if this attribute is 3 and txNumberingFormat is 4 (small letters), the list starts with 'c'.

txNumberingTextPos (9)

Defines, in twips, the position of the text that follows the number character.

txNumberingPostText (10)

Specifies additional text which is displayed behind the number character. The maximum length of the text is 20 characters.

txNumberingPreText (11)

Specifies additional text which is displayed in front of the number character. The maximum length of the text is 20 characters.

Data Types

txNumberingContinue Integer
txNumberingFormat Integer
txNumberingFormatChar Integer
txNumberingLevel Integer
txNumberingPos Integer
txNumberingPostChar String
txNumberingPreChar String
txNumberingReStart Integer
txNumberingStart Integer
txNumberingTextPos Integer
txNumberingPostText String
txNumberingPreText String


Run time only.

See Also