New Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 17.0 the following new properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
TXTextControl.PageBorderAttribute This property returns or sets page border attributes for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.SelectionViewMode Specifies whether text selections are displayed with a transparent bitmap or through inverting the text.
TXTextControl.TableCanMergeCells This property provides information about whether table cells can be merged.
TXTextControl.TableCanSplitCells This property provides information about whether table cells can be split.
TXTextControl.TableCellData Returns or sets a string associated with the specified table cell.


Method Description
TXTextControl.TableMergeCells This method merges all selected table cells.
TXTextControl.TableSplitCells This method splits all selected table cells.