New Properties, Methods and Events

In TX Text Control 15.0 the following new properties, methods and events have been added:


Property Description
TXTextControl.ColumnDistance Sets the distance, in twips, between the columns on a page for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.ColumnLineColor Returns or sets the color of a dividing line between two page columns, either for the whole document or for a certain section.
TXTextControl.ColumnLineWidth Returns or sets the width, in twips, of a dividing line between two page columns, either for the whole document or for a certain section.
TXTextControl.Columns Returns or sets the number of columns on a page for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.ColumnWidthsAndDistances Returns or sets the number of columns on a page including its widths and distances for the whole document or for a document's section.
TXTextControl.FontSettings Determines which kind of fonts can be used in a document.