TXTextControl.TableSelectCells Method

This method can be used to select a rectangular part of a table defined through two table cells. To select a single cell, row, column or a whole table, use the TableCellSelect method.

Introduced: 21.0.


TXTextControl.TableSelectCells TableId, StartRow, StartColumn, EndRow, EndColumn
Parameter Description

Specifies the table's identifier. This must be the value returned from the TableInsert or the TableInsertDialog method.


Specifies the row number of the top-left table cell. The first row has the number one.


Specifies the column number of the top-left table cell. The first column has the number one.


Specifies the row number of the bottom-right table cell.


Specifies the column number of the bottom-right table cell.

Return Value

The return value is True, if the specified table cells could be selected. Otherwise, it is False. False is returned, if the specified table id is invalid or the specified row and/or column numbers do not exist.

Data Types

TableId: Integer
StartRow: Long
StartColumn: Long
EndRow: Long
EndColumn: Long
Return value: Boolean

See Also