TXTextControl.TableCellTextType Property

Returns or sets the text type of the table cell which determines whether the cell's text is interpreted as a number or as text. When the type is Standard, the cell's text is interpreted as text and it is displayed as it is. When the type is Number, the cell's text is interpreted as a number. The period character (.) is defined as decimal separator, the comma character (,) is defined as thousands separator.

Introduced: 26.0.


TXTextControl.TableCellTextType((TableId, Row, Column) [= value]
Parameter Description

Specifies a table. It is the same identifier set with the TableInsert method.

Row, Column

Specify a row and column number which identifies a certain cell in the table. The first has the number 1, 1.


Valid values for the property value are:

Constant Description

The text is displayed as it is.


The text is interpreted as a number. The period character (.) is defined as decimal separator, the comma character (,) is defined as thousands separator.

Data Types

TableId:    Integer
Row:    Integer
Column:    Integer
Property value:    Integer


Run time only.

See Also