TXTextControl.ObjectChangeZOrder Method

Changes the z-order of an image, text frame, signature field or OLE object. The ObjectCurrent property determines the object.

Introduced: 18.0.


TXTextControl.ObjectChangeZOrder ZOrder
Parameter Description

This parameter specifies how to change the object's z-order. Possible values are the following:

Constant Description
txZOrderTopMost (1) The image, text frame, signature field or OLE object is moved in front of the text at the top of all other objects.
txZOrderTop (2) If the image, text frame, signature field or OLE object is behind the text, it becomes the topmost of all objects behind the text. If it is in front of the text, it becomes the topmost of all objects.
txZOrderUp (3) The image, text frame, signature field or OLE object is moved up one plane. If it is the topmost object behind the text, it is not moved in front of the text.
txZOrderBottomMost (4) The image, text frame, signature field or OLE object is moved behind the text below all other objects. This value is only possible, if the The ObjectTextflow property is 4 (behind the text).
txZOrderBottom (5) If the image, text frame, signature field or OLE object is in front of the text, it becomes the bottommost of all objects in front of the text. If it is behind the text, it becomes the bottommost of all objects.
txZOrderDown (6) The image, text frame, signature field or OLE object is moved down one plane. If it is the bottommost object in front of the text, it is not moved behind the text.

Return Value

The method returns True, if the z-order could be changed. The method returns False, if the object already has the specified z-order or if an error has occurred.

Data Types

ZOrder:    Integer
Return value:    Boolean

See Also