When you are working with complex and long tables, it can be useful to know if a table is broken up across multiple pages. These code snippets will help you with various table related tasks.

Consider a table with a large number of rows that has been inserted into a TextControl.


Although TextControl provides sophisticated features such as table header repetition, sometimes you may want to add specific text to rows at the beginning of a new page. In order to do this, you need to know whether or not a table is broken across multiple pages.

Table Broken?

The following method compares the start index and end index of the table with the index positions of the pages.

// Check if the table is across pages
// If the first cell of the table is on a different page than the last cell of the table,
// the table is across pages
private bool IsTableAcrossPages(Table table) {
int tableStart = table.Cells.GetItem(1, 1).Start;
int tableEnd = table.Cells.GetItem(table.Rows.Count, table.Columns.Count).Start;
int tableStartPage = textControl1.GetPages().GetItem(tableStart).Number;
int tableEndPage = textControl1.GetPages().GetItem(tableEnd).Number;
return tableStartPage != tableEndPage;
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When called, it returns true if the table has broken access pages. Otherwise, it returns false.

Table table = textControl1.Tables.GetItem();
if (IsTableAcrossPages(table)) {
MessageBox.Show("Table is across pages");
else {
MessageBox.Show("Table is not across pages");
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Get All First Rows

The next method returns the first row after a given row on the next page. This is also done by comparing the line start values with the page indexes.

// Find the first table row on the next page
private TableRow FindFirstTableRowOnNextPage(Table table, TableRow startTableRow = null) {
if (startTableRow == null) {
startTableRow = table.Rows.GetItem(1);
int tableStart = table.Cells.GetItem(startTableRow.Row, 1).Start;
int tableStartPage = textControl1.GetPages().GetItem(tableStart).Number;
TableRow row = null;
// If the table is not across pages,
for (int i = startTableRow.Row + 1; i <= table.Rows.Count; i++) {
row = table.Rows.GetItem(i);
int rowStart = table.Cells.GetItem(row.Row, 1).Start;
// return the first row on the next page
if (textControl1.GetPages().GetItem(rowStart).Number > tableStartPage) {
return row;
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The following code uses the method FindFirstTableRowOnNextPage to loop through all of the first rows on each page in order to highlight them.

Table table = textControl1.Tables.GetItem();
TableRow nextRow = null;
TableRow row = null;
do { // find the first row on the next page
row = FindFirstTableRowOnNextPage(table, nextRow);
// highlight the row
if (row != null) {
row.CellFormat.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
nextRow = row;
} while (nextRow != null); // repeat until no more rows on the next page
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In the following screenshot, you can see the highlighted rows on each new page. This is where the table breaks across pages.
