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TX v9, TX v8 SP#2, Support Forum Tip

Updating to TX Text Control v9.0

To take advantage of the new features in TX Text Control v9.0, which include:

  • Stylesheets
  • New Button Bar
  • New Table Features
  • Adjustable Word Wrapping
  • Integrated JPEG / PNG Support
  • No more DLL calls

you should update to the newest version. Updating could not be simpler. Use the online TX Text Control Store to place your order and download the newest version in only two minutes.

What's more, as a loyal user of TX Text Control version 7 or 8, you can even take advantage of the special update pricing:

Product edition USD EUR
TX Text Control Professional v9 Update 499.00 459.65
TX Text Control Standard v9 Update 249.00 255.13

Update now!

Service Pack #2 for TX Text Control v8.0

As we announced last week, a service pack for TX Text Control v8.0 has been released. This fixes all the known issues that were also fixed in TX Text Control v9.0. This tables summarizes the fixed known issues.

If you use version 8.0, we strongly recommend that you download and install the service pack as soon as possible.

So that we can make available the correct service pack for your version of TX Text Control, you will be requested to enter your serial number on the above page.

Support Forum Tip: Importance of keeping your forum username

Since the launch of the new web site, you will have seen that in the support forum, there is a link to a statistics page.

On this page there is a section "Top Authors". In this section, the top 10 to 400 authors (counting the number of messages they have posted) can be displayed.

The names that are entered in this table are the names that you use when you post a message in the forum. It is therefore important that you keep your name exactly the same.

For example, if you entered your name as "Joe Doe" when you posted your first message and then "J. Doe" when you posted your next message, "Joe Doe" and "J. Doe" would be credited for one message each.

Naturally, we want to avoid this, as "Joe Doe" is the same person as "J. Doe" and as such "Joe Doe" should be credited for two messages.

To assist you in keeping your name exactly the same every time you write a message into the forum, a cookie is written to your browser that contains your name and e-mail address.

The next time you return to the forum, this cookie is read and the name and e-mail address that you previously used is automagically entered into the appropriate field in the submit message form.

As long as you have cookies turned on and never edit this default, you will always be correctly credited with the number of messages that you post. And thus, you will receive the correct rank in the top authors table.

Noteworthy Delphi Site of the Week:

Programming tips, downloads, forums, newsletter, kylix, developer news.

Best regards

The Newsletter Team

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