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TX News Update, Award, Top TX Tip

TX Text Control Newsletter Update

During the last three weeks, the number of people joining the TX Text Control Newsletter has been speedily increasing. Upon noticing this interest for our publication, we decided to create a complete and searchable archive of all TX newsletters. This is intended to enable new newsletter subscribers get the TX info that has been published in previous editions. The following alterations have been made:

  • The front page for the newsletter has been recreated to take on the look and feel of the home page and the support front page

  • A search facility has been added to the newsletter archive

  • The newsletter archive can be browsed by edition

  • The Imaging Source's privacy policy (which is of most interest to newsletter subscribers) has been further refined.

Suggestion in the discussion forum

In a recent discussion forum posting: Scott Fisher suggested that other TX Text Control users contribute content to this newsletter. He requested that "TX-Text users ... contribute snippets and examples. (please)".

We would be delighted if other TX Newsletter subscribers would be so kind as to send us some material for this newsletter. Likewise, if anyone has any examples that they would be prepared to release for publication in our newsletter, do not hesitate to contact me. Everything anyone sends me will be considered for publication. Thanks in advance for your time!

TX Text Control used in award winning software

PC Magazine, the most widely circulated computer magazine in the world, chose Perseus Development's SurveySolutions for the Web as its Editors' Choice in their recent review of Web-based survey products. A key component on which SurveySolutions for the Web is built is TX Text Control.

One of the most praised feature of SurveySolutions for the Web was the way in which TX Text Control gives it a "modern user interface". Using TX Text Control, the user interface is able to mirror that of Microsoft Office programs, which most computer users have already worked with. The familiar environment coupled with the product's advanced surveying capabilities sets SurveySolutions apart from other Web survey software.

"We couldn't have done it without the TX Text Control!" says Jeffrey Henning from Perseus Development.

Top TX Tip of the Week: Dealing with Tables

This week the tip of the week looks at tables. There are few properties that make the handling of tables very easy. The following code inserts a table with 5 rows and 6 columns and formats it afterwards to look nice. Check it out!


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var tid, i: Integer; begin // Set FormatSelection to true TXTextControl1.FormatSelection := True; // Check if we are currently in a table - if so, exit If (TXTextControl1.TableAtInputPos <> 0) Then Exit; // Insert a table at the current input position tid := TXTextControl1.TableInsert(5, 6, -1, 10); // Set border width of entire table to 1 TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute[tid, 0, 0, txTableCellBorderWidth] := 1; // Set colors of first row and column TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute[tid, 1, 0, txTableCellBackColor] := clBlack; TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute[tid, 0, 1, txTableCellBackColor] := RGB(180,180, 180); TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute[tid, 1, 1, txTableCellBackColor] := clWhite; // Populate the top row with text For i := 2 To 6 do begin TXTextControl1.TableCellText[tid, 1, i] := 'Topic ' + IntToStr(i - 1); TXTextControl1.SelStart := TXTextControl1.TableCellStart[tid, 1, i] - 1; TXTextControl1.SelLength := TXTextControl1.TableCellLength[tid, 1, i]; TXTextControl1.ForeColor := clWhite; end; // Set caret to the second row and column TXTextControl1.SelStart := TXTextControl1.TableCellStart[tid, 2, 2] - 1; TXTextControl1.SelLength := 0; end;

Visual Basic

Private Sub cmdInsTable_Click() Dim tid as Integer ' Set FormatSelection to true TXTextControl1.FormatSelection = True ' Check if we are currently in a table - if so, exit If (TXTextControl1.TableAtInputPos <> 0) Then Exit Sub ' Insert a table at the current input position tid = TXTextControl1.TableInsert(5, 6, -1) ' Set border width of entire table to 1 TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute(tid, 0, 0, txTableCellBorderWidth) = 1 ' Set colors of first row and column TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute(tid, 1, 0, txTableCellBackColor) = vbBlack TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute(tid, 0, 1, txTableCellBackColor) = RGB(180,180, 180) TXTextControl1.TableCellAttribute(tid, 1, 1, txTableCellBackColor) = vbWhite ' Populate the top row with text For i = 2 To 6 TXTextControl1.TableCellText(tid, 1, i) = "Topic " + Str(i - 1) TXTextControl1.SelStart = TXTextControl1.TableCellStart(tid, 1, i) - 1 TXTextControl1.SelLength = TXTextControl1.TableCellLength(tid, 1, i) TXTextControl1.ForeColor = vbWhite Next i ' Set caret to the second row and column TXTextControl1.SelStart = TXTextControl1.TableCellStart(tid, 2, 2) - 1 TXTextControl1.SelLength = 0 End Sub

The most important properties in this piece of code are the TableCellX properties. TableCellAttribute lets you set a certain attribute for a single cell, a row, a column or the entire table! TableCellStart and TableCellLength can be used to select the text of a certain cell and are equivalent to the SelStart and SelLength properties. The TableCellX properties are available as of version 6.0.

Featured TX Reseller: QBS Software

Are you looking for a one-stop shop for all your Programming / software requirements? West London-based QBS Software is a leading European dealer and distributor of software development products for PC and client/server systems. QBS sells add-on products for C and C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, Java, Linux, CA-Clipper, FoxPro, PowerBuilder and Lotus Notes as well as a comprehensive range of project management, Installation, Help Authoring and Internet development tools. QBS Software has extended its portfolio during the past ten years to over 500 products. For more information, go to:

Best regards

The Newsletter Team

Text Control GmbH respects your online time and privacy. We only send this newsletter to TX Text Control customers and people who have signed up to receive it. However, if you would prefer not to receive future issues of the newsletter, you may unsubscribe at any time. If you received this newsletter forwarded from a colleague or friend, you may wish to subscribe directly.

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