TXTextControl.TableInsertLines Method

This member function inserts table lines above or below the table line with the current input position. Table lines can only be inserted if the current input position is in a table and if no text is selected. The TableCanInsertLines property informs whether table lines can be inserted.


TXTextControl.TableInsertLines Position, Lines
Parameter Description

Specifies where to insert the table lines. Possible values are the following:

Constant Description
txTableInsertInFront (1) Table lines are inserted above the line with the current input position.
txTableInsertAfter (2) Table lines are inserted below the line with the current input position.

Specifies the number of lines to insert.

Return Value

The method returns True if the table lines could successfully be inserted. The method returns False if an error has occurred or if the current input position is not within a table.

Data Types

Return value:    Boolean

See Also