TXTextControl.TableAttrDialog Method

This method invokes the built-in dialog box for setting table attributes and, after the user has closed the dialog box, specifies whether he has changed something.


TXTextControl.TableAttrDialog [ActiveTab]
Parameter Description

Optional. Specifies the index of the tab, zero-based, that is displayed when the tabbed dialog box is opened. The following values are possible:

Value Description
0 The dialog box shows the tab for setting frame lines, color and distances.
1 The dialog box shows the tab for setting the vertical size and alignment.
2 The dialog box shows the tab for setting formulas and numberformats.

Return Value

The method returns True when the user has changed one or more attibutes. The method returns False when the formatting remains unchanged.


The changes, made in the dialog box, apply to the currently selected text.

Data Types

ActiveTab: Integer
Return value: Boolean

See Also