TXTextControl.LoadDialog Method

Opens the system 'Open' dialogbox and loads a document as specified.

Introduced: 31.0.


TXTextControl.LoadDialog Filters[, CurSelection]
Parameter Description

Defines the filters which the dialog box offers to select a file format. The values listed below can be added to set more than one filter:

Constant Description
AnsiText (&H1) Text only (ANSI)
HTML (&H4) HTML format (Hypertext Markup Language)
RTF (&H8) RTF format (Rich Text Format)
UnicodeText (&H10) Text only (Unicode)
TXFormat (&H20) Internal TX Text Control format
MSWord97_2003 (&H40) Microsoft Word 97-2003 format (.doc)
XML (&H80) XML format (Extensible Markup Language)
CSS (&H100) CSS format (Cascading Style Sheet)
MSWord (&H400) Microsoft Word format (.docx)
SpreadsheetML (&H1000) SpreadsheetML format (.xlsx)
All (&H1FFF) All loadable formats
AllFormats (&H8000) Constructs an 'All Formats' item from the specified filters and adds it to the dialog box.

Optional. When set to true the loaded data replaces the current selection or is inserted at the current input position. The new input position is behind the inserted data. When omitted or set to false the loaded data replaces the complete control contents independent of the current selection. The new input position is at the beginning of the data.

Return Value

This method has no return value.

Data Types

Filters: Long
CurSelection: Boolean


Needs at least Windows Vista.

See Also