TXTextControl.FormulaReferenceStyle Property

Gets or sets a value determining how references to table cells in formulas are specified. Supported are the A1 and the R1C1 notation. The A1 notation specifies a table cell with a column letter and a row number, for example B3 refers to the table cell in the third row and the second column. The R1C1 notation addresses a table cell with a row number and a column number, for example R2C3 refers to the table cell in the third row and the second column. Relative addresses can be expressed with square brackets. R[-2]C[-3]. The numbers inside the square brackets show how many rows or columns the cell is relative to itself. Negative row numbers mean that the referenced cell is above the cell containing the formula. Negative column numbers mean that the referenced cell is to the left of the cell containing the formula.

Introduced: 26.0.


TXTextControl.FormulaReferenceStyle [= value]
Setting Description
txR1C1 (0) A table cell in formulas is addressed with a column number and a row number.
txA1 (1) A table cell in formulas is addressed with a column letter and a row number.

Data Types


See Also