Adding Text

Technical Articles > Formatting Text by using Number Formats

There are three different ways to combine the calculated value with a single character or text.

First, a list of predefined characters can be used. Each of these symbols can be combined with the number format string.

Symbol Example:
$ (Dollar sign) Formatting 500 with #$ will be displayed as 500$.
- (Minus sign) Formatting 1 with -#.00 will be displayed as -1.00.
+ (Plus sign) Formatting 12.345 with +.## will be displayed as +12.35.
/ (Slash mark) Formatting 4 with \1/# will be displayed as 1/4.
( (Left parenthesis) Formatting 7 with -(#+\3) will be displayed as -(7+3).
) (Right parenthesis) Formatting 3 with -(\7+#) will be displayed as -(7+3).
: (Colon) Formatting 50 with #:"50" will be displayed as 50:50.
! (Exclamation point) Formatting 6 with #! will be displayed as 6!.
^ (Circumflex accent (caret)) Formatting 2.5 with #.00^\2 will be displayed as 2.50^2.
& (Ampersand) Formatting 0 with #&\1 will be displayed as 0&1.
' (Apostrophe) Formatting 9 with '#' will be displayed as '9'.
~ (Tilde) Formatting 7.654 with ~#.0 will be displayed as ~7.7.
{ (Left curly bracket) Formatting 67 with {-#} will be displayed as {-67}.
} (Right curly bracket) Formatting 17 with {+#} will be displayed as {+17}.
< (Less-than sign) Formatting 5 with #<"10" will be displayed as 5<10.
> (Greater-than sign) Formatting 7.4 with #.00>\6 will be displayed as 7.40>6.
= (Equal sign) Formatting 5.6 with #>=\6 will be displayed as 6>=6.
  (Space character) Formatting 12 with #.00 $ will be displayed as 12.00 $.

Other symbols (e.g. specific currency symbols), which are not specified in this list, can be rendered by adding a back slash right before the character to display.

Formatting 12.99 with #.00\€ will be displayed as 12.99€.
Formatting 42 with \"#\" will be displayed as "42".
Formatting 18 with #:\X will be displayed as 18:X.

If it is requested to integrate whole words or text, it is recommended to put such strings in quotation marks.

Formatting 29.99 with "EUR"#.00 will be displayed as EUR 29.99.
Formatting 4.50 with #.00"€" will be displayed as 4.50€.
Formatting 76 with # "Units" will be displayed as 76 Units.