
Programmming Overview > Supported Formula Functions

For further informations about argument types, restrictions and return values please see Office Open XML File Formats - ISO/IEC 29500 - 1, Chapter: 18.17.7 Predefined Function Definitions.

Formula Description
AVERAGE(argument-list) Computes the arithmetic mean of the numeric values of its arguments.
COUNT(argument-list) Counts the number of arguments in argument-list that contain numbers, and the number of cells referred to by arguments in argument-list, which contain numbers. (Limitations: Dates are not counted.)
COUNTA(argument-list) Counts the number of arguments that are not cell references, and the number of cells, referred to by arguments, which are not empty. (Limitations: Dates in arrays and cell reference values are not counted.)
COUNTBLANK ( cell-range ) Counts the number of cells in a specified range of cells, which are empty. (Limitations: Cell containing a formula that returns an empty string are not counted.)
MAX(argument-list) Computes the largest of a set of numbers.
MAXA(argument-list) Computes the largest of a set of numbers.
MIN(argument-list) Computes the smallest of a set of numbers.
MINA(argument-list) Computes the smallest of a set of numbers.