Create password protected and signed Adobe PDF/A documents

The document format Adobe PDF is probably the most popular format when it comes to invoices, quotes and other business documents. It has several advantages:

  • It is a "read only" document that cannot be altered without leaving a digital footprint. If the PDF document has been digitally signed, it cannot be changed without loosing the signature.
  • In contrast to image formats such as TIFF that can be changed without leaving a digital footprint, PDF documents can be easily saved on a simple file server and not on optical media (which is required by law in the U.S. for image formats).
  • PDF documents can be secured with a password at document level which enables the easy exchange over unsecured channels such as e-mail.
  • PDF files are self-contained and by design compatible across all platforms. Specifically, when using the archiving format PDF/A, it won't contain elements that expire and can be therefore viewed in the future without having extra hardware or a specific operating system.

TX Text Control provides a fully featured PDF creation engine with many options and features:

  • Create PDF documents from scratch by using the document API to build a PDF document "programmatically". In contrast to complex "PDFLib" libraries, developers don't need to do the paging manually. Thanks to the MS Word-like text flow, TX Text Control is taking care of paging, table breaks with table headers, headers and footers and many other features that are very hard to realize using page oriented PDF libraries.
  • Convert MS Word formats such as RTF, DOC, DOCX and HTML easily to PDF.
  • Import Adobe PDF documents and edit them with TX Text Control or convert them to other formats.
  • Create password secured, encrypted PDF documents with various document access permissions such as "AllowHighLevelPrinting" and "AllowExtractContents".
  • Digitally sign Adobe PDF documents with PFX, DER Cer or Base64 CER certificate files.

Download one of our trial versions and test this on your own.