Text frames are a very smart way to position text at a specific position in the document. They are commonly used for a recipient address details area on a letter or any other information that must be at a fixed position in a document.

TX Text Control offers properties to avoid the scaling and the movement of the frame:



Sometimes, applications require that such text frames are not editable by the user. In this case, we can use the TextFrameActivated event to set a flag that indicates that a text frame is currently active.

void TX_TextFrameActivated(object sender, TXTextControl.TextFrameEventArgs e)
    m_trapKeystrokes = true;

On the KeyPress event, we can trap the keystrokes, if the mentioned flag has been set to true.

void m_tx_KeyPress(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
    if (m_trapKeystrokes)
        e.Handled = true;

The TextFrameDeactivated event is used to reset the global flag:

void m_tx_TextFrameDeactivated(object sender, TXTextControl.TextFrameEventArgs e)
    m_trapKeystrokes = false;

The following class is a sample how to inherit from the TextFrame class to create such protected text frames:

class ProtectedTextFrame : TXTextControl.TextFrame
    private bool                        m_protected;
    private TXTextControl.TextControl               m_tx;
    private bool                        m_trapKeystrokes = false;

    public ProtectedTextFrame(Size Size, bool Protected, TXTextControl.TextControl TX) : base(Size)
        m_protected = Protected;
        m_tx = TX;

        if (m_protected)
            m_tx.TextFrameActivated += new TXTextControl.TextFrameEventHandler(TX_TextFrameActivated);
            m_tx.TextFrameDeactivated += new TXTextControl.TextFrameEventHandler(m_tx_TextFrameDeactivated);
            m_tx.KeyPress += new System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventHandler(m_tx_KeyPress);

    void m_tx_KeyPress(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs e)
        if (m_trapKeystrokes)
            e.Handled = true;

    void m_tx_TextFrameDeactivated(object sender, TXTextControl.TextFrameEventArgs e)
        m_trapKeystrokes = false;

    void TX_TextFrameActivated(object sender, TXTextControl.TextFrameEventArgs e)
        m_trapKeystrokes = true;

    public bool Protected
        get { return m_protected; }
        set { m_protected = value; }

This class can be instantiated like this:

ProtectedTextFrame newFrame = new ProtectedTextFrame(new Size(1000, 1000), true, textControl1);
newFrame.Protected = true;
textControl1.TextFrames.Add(newFrame, -1);

Feel free to contact me, if you want to discuss this approach or, if you have any questions.