As I mentioned in a previous post, the TX Text Control ActiveX Server-based sample application, upon which we have been working in the last few days, is now finished.

No Plug-ins Required

It illustrates how to load Microsoft Word documents into a browser-based editor without any plug-ins - all that is required are HTML and Javascript (requirements that every modern browser can satisfy).

The document can be edited in the browser and saved back to the server in all formats supported by TX Text Control ActiveX Server.

Flow of Data

  • End-user selects a file (using web browser) on the server s/he wants to edit.
  • The file is loaded into end-user's browser.
  • End-user makes changes to the document (in browser).
  • End-user saves document to server in her/his preferred format (RTF, DOC or PDF).

Download the Source

Please take a moment to read the entire article and can try out the application directly in your web browser (MSIE > 5 or Mozilla FireFox > 1.0). The source code can be downloaded from the main TX Text Control web site (link in article).

Have fun with the sample application :-)